So, for any that have been following my E39 thread, I didn't want this to get lost since that one's been kicking around awhile. I just pulled this camshaft position sensor thinking I was well on my way to fixing a problem by installing a new sensor.
Strangely, however, I see the old sensor has these worn areas that to me might signal a deeper problem. Whereas the body of the sensor is black plastic, these areas seem almost to be gouged slightly, and show a silver color. I suppose pulling it out of the head could have gently scraped the part, but I'm wondering if something else could be up?
Well, after wiping the area clean, I think maybe I'm just being a Nervous Nellie. At this point, I'm just stuffing the new one in and seeing what happens next. I do welcome your comments, however!
Also, for any that caught it, yes, I'll be sure to pull the old o-ring out of the head before I install the new one!
If you are talking about the wear at the end of the arrow, I wouldn't worry about it.
In reply to Slippery :
Yes, that is precisely the area I was talking about. There is a similar area on the other side. After wiping it clean, I came to the conclusion that it was likely inconsequential. Just wasn't sure if there was a whirling piece of metal that ran close enough to the sensor that it could be scraping it.
I'm about to clear the code and take it for a test drive.
Well, that was rather more exciting than I expected. Clear codes. Start car. Car fires once, then dies. Hmmm. Crank again. Car starts, and runs like hot garbage for about 15 seconds, then gradually smooths out. Did a tentative loop through the neighborhood to see if it was going to stay running.
No more drama. Took it for a good few miles, varying speeds and throttle positions. I don't drive it everyday, so I'll let my son tell me if it feels good to him.
Checking codes once more with INPA, then calling it done for now.