New Reader
10/29/08 1:53 p.m.
therex wrote:
3: Finally, I think in a Zombie Apocalypse situation, we can probably all agree that Zombies aren't your only concern. You're definitely going to have some roving gangs of badguys who are going to want to take your E36 M3. That's why a .22LR isn't going to work, either.
That's a good point. And while this may sound silly, don't forget wildlife. It would suck to survive the zombies only to be eaten by a bear--a .223 is way to small for something like that, though, so if on the move in bear country, carry a large caliber backup.
Oh, and I meant to say .223 Remington, not Winchester.
probably the best firearm for those situations would be a semi-auto AK-47. rugged reliability, ability to get ammo in bulk quantity's, availability of large clips..
closest thing i have is a 8mm mauser, but ammo can be a pain to find for that and its bolt action.. (however a headshot is guaranteed brain destruction)
10/29/08 2:17 p.m.
Will wrote:
therex wrote:
3: Finally, I think in a Zombie Apocalypse situation, we can probably all agree that Zombies aren't your only concern. You're definitely going to have some roving gangs of badguys who are going to want to take your E36 M3. That's why a .22LR isn't going to work, either.
That's a good point. And while this may sound silly, don't forget wildlife. It would suck to survive the zombies only to be eaten by a bear--a .223 is way to small for something like that, though, so if on the move in bear country, carry a large caliber backup.
Oh, and I meant to say .223 Remington, not Winchester.
This is why I lament the difficulty of acquiring a Main Battle Rifle. I feel like it would be the perfect compromise in a ZA situation.

An H&K G3 (pictured) or M14 or FN-FAL or AR-10 would solve both problems. Big enough for bear, wolves, or the-most-dangerous-animal-of-all, accurate enough to take out zombie brains. Good enough to hunt with, while semi-auto allows multiple engagement of Zombies. But they're so much more expensive than an AK or AR-15, that nobody ever realy considers them. An M1 Garand would be good too, because when you were out of ammo it could be a bludgeon, or an oar, or a crowbar.
new construction M-1s are available in .308 and original .30.06
.308 upperd AR? Or is that the ar 10? Remington R-25
New Reader
10/29/08 2:44 p.m.
No love for the Springfield M1A? That .308 Winchester beats 7.62 Soviet any day of the week, and because the rifle is made in the USA it's easy to find and buy. A carbine version is even available...
10/29/08 2:46 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
new construction M-1s are available in .308 and original .30.06
.308 upperd AR? Or is that the ar 10? Remington R-25
Yeah, there are new-construction M1 Garands and M-14's (semi auto, Springfield calls them the "M1A") they're just too expensive. The AR-15 magazine well is too small to hold a .308, so you have to go AR-10, which again, is very expensive. I mean, you can get into an AK for under 300 dollars, an AR-15 for under 500 dollars. Part of their big appeal. If you know where I can get a detachable magazine fed .308 semi automatic rifle for under 500 bucks, please show me! :)
if i found one, it would be mine. the best i can find on AKs and ARs is AK @$450 and AR at $600. SKSs start @$200
I wonder how a .30-30 lever would be, aside from longer reloads.
10/29/08 4:17 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
I wonder how a .30-30 lever would be, aside from longer reloads.
Seems like your ROF would be good enough. But having to reload each round individually could be dangerously slow. Certainly better than nothing. The best weapon is the one in your hands.
Salanis wrote:
OOO, it's not too late for me to use this for running as a right in canidate for a town seat...
are there any points in the "ZSG" that any one disagrees with?
One point overlooked is the AK 47 semi auto is rock solid reliable, whereas continual firing will cause problems with a AR as the heat sinks in.
I ran 24 30 round mags through my AK in a 15 minute exercise alongside 4 others three of whom had AR15s and the other another AK. Result was my varnish blistered, I burnt my hand when I accidentally touched the barrel, but the gun was still running hot as was the other AK, while one AR blew the chamber out and a second jammed big time leaving only one functioning.
this type of reliability was a feature of the 7 days I was involved in the course, the same problems occurred with handguns that were not Glocks.
I also stockpile ammo and have 45 loaded mags along with about 10K rounds for the AK and similar numbers for the Glock........wanna fight about it.......
These may not be the prettiest weapons but they keep on going, and going, and going
but in all, ZSG lists the AK as preferable to the AR