ignorant New Reader
5/19/08 9:58 a.m.

"It offends me that a man running for the president of the United States knows 10% of what I know about this. It offends me. In the case of Obama and Hillary, they know what they're spewing is a bunch of BS. They know they're spouting lies. I don't know what McCain is doing here, but if he honestly believes this, then it is offensive. I'm not supposed to be smarter than the guy running for president, neither are you." -rush limbaugh reacting to McCains speech on Global warming

I particularly love the "I'm not supposed to be smarter than the guy running for president, neither are you."

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
5/19/08 10:54 a.m.

I'm with Rush on that one. GW is BS. Oh, we might have GW, but blaming SUV's and lightbulbs is BS.

Let's make this the Y2K8 Presidential election thread. I was discussing it with a friend, and he added up the Electorial College numbers and concluded that the race is Little Mac's to lose right now. Obama will likely get the left coast, IL, maybe IN and maybe some parts of New England and Little Mac will get the rest. The Lizard Queen would do better against Little Mac and pull more of New England, but enough people can't stand her that it wouldn't be much different. I don't think Uncle Bill's ranting and raving is helping much either and we haven't heard much of his fits for the past couple of weeks. This is a dramatic change. I find it interesting that while the LQ was the default Dem nominee, as soon as there was anyone available for anyone to support besides the LQ, the entire Democratic higher command dumped the LQ like yesterday's intern. You can't count her out for 08 yet, but it doesn't look good today. There is also a distinct chance that she'll let this one slide and come back in '12 against whoever the Republicans put up next, as Little Mac will be a 1 term President (he'll be, what? 76 in '12?) and the country will be in a state that makes today look like the good-ole-days thanks to his socialistic totatitarian views. In other words, really, really ripe for the LQ to step in and say "Told you so" on Barak Hussain Obama.

ignorant New Reader
5/19/08 11:21 a.m.

I just thought it was a funny quote, you know "I shouldn't be smarter than the president" given the current administrations lack of a Mensa card.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
5/19/08 12:04 p.m.

W's has been the target of a campaign to make him look dumb. That doesn't make him dumb. Remember that his grades at the same college were better than Lurch's. My main concern with his Presidency has been a lack of leadership. He should have jumped down on those attacking him at the outset and cut off this whole BS red state-blue state problem at the beginning. I'm not saying ordering hits like the Klinton's do to those in their way, but he could have done a lot more. Maybe be more open with the data. I really think a lot of the Democratic's "ammo" in attacking him is due to the underlying data being secret. It's easy to say whatever you want if the truth can't be revealed.

NYG95GA Dork
5/19/08 12:13 p.m.


Salanis HalfDork
5/19/08 12:41 p.m.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

ignorant New Reader
5/19/08 12:50 p.m.

campaign to make him look dumb? <--- That's right up there with the Rush quote.

I'll wager that no president in the history of presidentering has misspoke so many times as W.

As to having a smart president, It isn't going to happen. The Simpsons proved that smart people can't rule the masses. We tried it with Carter. Look how well he is loved, however, had we continued most of his energy saving ideas would we be in the same energy crunch we are in now?

confuZion3 New Reader
5/19/08 1:06 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote: W's has been the target of a campaign to make him look dumb. That doesn't make him dumb. Remember that his grades at the same college were better than Lurch's. My main concern with his Presidency has been a lack of leadership. He should have jumped down on those attacking him at the outset and cut off this whole BS red state-blue state problem at the beginning. I'm not saying ordering hits like the Klinton's do to those in their way, but he could have done a lot more. Maybe be more open with the data. I really think a lot of the Democratic's "ammo" in attacking him is due to the underlying data being secret. It's easy to say whatever you want if the truth can't be revealed.

YES! You got it right on, Dr. Hess. I've been wondering what I disliked about this current administration for a long time. Someone pointed this out to me about 3 weeks ago and I completely got it. Our president is a very smart fellow. You don't get into this job without being pretty bright. His problem is that he doesn't defend himself. Being more open with data would have been a huge deal for him and would have preserved his reputation with our war and even local events (Katrina).

Also, could the OP clarify just a smigen on what he is speaking about? I think I got the Global Warming reaction. What does it have to do with Oxycontin?

No, wait. I think I get it. You're saying (subversly) that McCain is on it? Perhaps while speaking? OK. I got it. It was a "you gotta be on crack to think that" thing. Got ya.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/19/08 1:11 p.m.

Because Rush is a dope fiend, and Oxycontin is his drug of choice. Of course since he uses prescription drugs instead of dirty street stuff, we're supposed to feel bad about his unfortunate lapse into the throes of addiction and not call him a dope fiend.

confuZion3 New Reader
5/19/08 1:56 p.m.

Alright. Yeah. So I was waaaay off. heh heh. fades into a shadow

Yeah, there was supposed to be two visible astrisks before and after "fades into a shadow". Just so everybody knows.

ignorant SuperDork
5/19/08 2:13 p.m.

As for Global Warming.. I don't know

I hear the jury is still out on science.

GlennS None
5/19/08 2:35 p.m.

I think being open with data would have hurt Bush. Otherwise i think he would have made it available instead of having his administrations reputation be irreparably damaged.

As for this whole bush is retarded thing I think it’s been an easy smear job as he seems to be a pretty horrific public speaker when he goes off script. I don’t think that makes him stupid though. I’m sure they are plenty of genius level people that would also be bad at speaking on the fly and slip up quite a bit given the opportunity.

A lot of people freeze up and don’t make a lot of sense under the pressure of public speaking. I saw plenty of smart people make similar mistakes in speech classes back in college.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/20/08 1:00 a.m.

blockquote>Tim Baxter wrote: Because Rush is a dope fiend, and Oxycontin is his drug of choice. Of course since he uses prescription drugs instead of dirty street stuff, we're supposed to feel bad about his unfortunate lapse into the throes of addiction and not call him a dope fiend.


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/20/08 1:48 p.m.
ignorant wrote: I just thought it was a funny quote, you know "I shouldn't be smarter than the president" given the current administrations lack of a Mensa card.

Mensa cards don't mean you're smart, they mean you're dying to look like you're smart to others :grin:

Doesn't surprise me that the guy's a junkie. Too bad he's crazy when high instead of funny, he could have made one hell of a comedian if he could reach this level of funniness...

CanexicanStig Dork
5/20/08 3:21 p.m.
W's has been the target of a campaign to make him look dumb.

Um. Wow, Hess. Don't get me wrong; I voted for the guy twice. I also cringed every time he spoke without a script. At first I kept telling myself "Well, he's just not a good public speaker," but after 8 years worth of "duh" moments, I'm pretty sure he's just a dumbass.

My $.02

Salanis HalfDork
5/20/08 3:25 p.m.

Who's the bigger dumbass though: The dumbass who keeps running corporations and countries into the ground? Or the dumbasses who keep handing him corporations and countries to run into the ground?

CanexicanStig Dork
5/20/08 3:30 p.m.

When have I ever claimed not to be a dumbass?

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/20/08 3:37 p.m.

Bush yells at the Dems for holding up progress but vetos every bill that passes with a majority.

That to me is someone who is a megalomaniac and he needs to be stopped.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
5/20/08 3:38 p.m.

I'm just sayin': If someone follows anyone around with a camera 24/7 and anytime there is any ooops moment immediately broadcasts it around the world and makes it the butt of every joke on late night TV for five or six years straight, you can make anyone look "dumb." Remember Ford? Mr. Clumsy. Nothing stuck on Regan and he was too far gone at the end for them to trot out anyway. Look at Obama anytime he's not reading off the teleprompter. Great public speaker/presenter, but otherwise, watch out.

You want dumb? How about people that keep voting in the same Congress each year?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/20/08 3:43 p.m.

Yet after 8 years of Clinton, they managed to make him look like a horn-dog, but not a stupid one.

Personally, horny scares me less than stupid.

Salanis HalfDork
5/20/08 3:47 p.m.

I can empathize with horny more than stupid.

And you don't need to follow him around with a camera 24/7. Just get him behind a podium.

But it's also really cool to splice his speeches together.

confuZion3 Reader
5/21/08 8:48 a.m.
Dr. Hess wrote: You want dumb? How about people that keep voting in the same Congress each year?

That is scarey. I don't think that one should be able to make a life-long career out of being a senator. Voting for incumbents is like saying "we don't think the country is going in the right direction", but then asking that nothing be changed.

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