Jul 21, 2011 update on vangoughv's 1970 Triumph GT6+ (Brutus)

2AM Smoke...

update image

I couldn’t put it down until I had the wire loom for my new main dash connected and the new panel installed. While I was at it I cut in the passenger side end of the dash board and installed it since the only cut out was for the main kill… After testing every connection with the multi-meter to verify OK I turned on the Kill, Ignition power and hit the start button and with a little teasing of the choke up it came… I tested the kill as well as ignition On/Off and it all worked as planned. I started and shut her down a few times and checking the new gauges I have exactly 14V on the VMeter and a wopping 65PSI Oil pressure! Feeling really good about the car and then on the next touch of the momentary switch nothing happens…. Out comes the multi-meter and sure enough the old starter relay has given up. Now it occurs to me; man the garage is smokey and its’ 2AM and I have to be up at 6:30 to head for work! I’m just having to damn much fun in the garage :) I’ll finish the drivers side of the main dash panel Saturday and hopefully more……


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