Started on July 5 by 924guy

1978 Porsche 924

After almost eight years of sitting, i am resurrecting this 1978 924. With her whopping 115 hp , and 4 speed its no rocket, but it also has the factory performance suspension (front & rear anti roll bars, beefy springs ) and its a hoot to drive. hasn’t run in several years and im in the process of fixing that problem(edit:runs wonderfully now!), and a ton of others…build log

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April 01
fun with wheels..

mock up for big wheels with flares, some minor body trim, and the roller painted …

Jan. 09
jan 09 update

since July, Ive made quite a bit of progress considering I only get a few …

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July 13, 2008, 1:44 a.m.

Hey there, nice looking trailer.

March 3, 2009, 12:18 p.m.

Too bad you can't save the paint, it looks damned cool. If you need some parts, let me know I've got a few to get rid of now.

March 12, 2009, 9:09 a.m.

Given all the other projects I have going, Im seriously thinking about just giving it a good wet sanding, and re clear coating it, preserving the patina..except for the chin spoiler area, which will have to have much more attention.. more on this soon...

May 3, 2009, 1:54 p.m.

I have a back yard full of these things, so we should connect and swap parts around. I'm happy there are at least two of s that like 924s!

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