Started on June 22 by Ian F (Forum Supporter)

1995 Dodge 2500 4x4 Cummins

If you ever need an example of how NOT to buy a car off eBay, I offer up my Dodge truck. Year: early 2007. My beloved E150 conversion van needs work and my g/f is nagging me to get rid of it and “buy something useful - like a pick-up”… Well, having experienced trucks in the past, large and small, any truck I buy has to have an 8’ bed… and the g/f insists it be an extended cab… and should be a diesel for better mileage… and a 5 spd… Add all of this together, and you’re looking for a somewhat rare truck. What I wanted: an early 90’s Dodge. The old box-body style… What I ended up with: a ‘95 Ram. Lucky me. At first, it looked good. Clean. Sort of close (about as far across PA as you can get and not be in OH). I placed a bid (way too much…) and ended up winning. I go out and buy it. (which was a whole ‘nother adventure…) and return home. Beign a truck from the sticks, it has no inspection, so I take it to my local garage. There we find the fun stuff. The dash VIN doesn’t match the body VIN. Great. I do a CarFax and it appears I ended up with a ‘constructed truck’ built from a ‘95 Cummins 4x4 5 spd std cab and a ‘96 V10 2WD club cab. In reality, 3+ years later… the truck isnt’ that bad… I’ve spend more $ on it than I care to admit - and I still need to fix the A/C so I’ll actually drive it during the Summer, but otherwise, it could have been worse… I’d still rather have my van back, tho…

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Jan. 5, 2013, 10:13 p.m.

Sold. 1/5/2013

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