Started on March 19 by Nathan JansenvanDoorn

1999 BMW M3 Convertible

I was absentmindedly searching craigslist for BMW cars and parts one Saturday, and came across this forlorn M3 convertible at a surprising price for the mileage (52k). We took a look that afternoon, and I was surprised to see just how forlorn a car can become even with so little use - it partly explained the price tag. We really, really miss our M3 sedan, so we bargained a bit and ended up getting it for $4500. It needs a bit of love - the first thing to go were the “slammed” coilovers (raceland!) to be replaced with new OEM dampers and springs. The next thing was the “french headlights”. Now, it needs a thorough, thorough cleaning! Fun to drive though, with a fantastic sound.

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