“You built a time machine–out of a DeLorean!?”
Now replace “time machine” with “trike” and “DeLorean” with “1969 Camaro,” and you have this bonafide piece of awesomeness.
No AI, no Photoshop here, folks. Best we can tell, this is real: A 1969 Camaro that made sweet loving with a Honda Valkyrie motorcycle.
Why? When discussing one of the world’s greatest artistic achievements, you do not question motives. You just bask in the glow–as one does when taking in a creation by Picasso, Michelangelo or that goth kid down the street. (We love the goths.)
Also, the ad says that it’s a 1968 Camaro–well, Camero–but that body crease tells us otherwise. Either way, you need this. Or someone does.