So, I was just gifted a '95 Miata that I fixed up for my FIL about 15 years ago. It had already had a timing belt job from the seller and I put new shocks on it, a top, and painted the bumpers.
It ran fine but I recall thinking it wasn't quite where it should be power wise, but I discounted that as I had a turbo'd '99 and was used to that power level.
Enough rambling. I suspect the timing belt might be off a tooth. What is the easiest way to tell? I know I can physically find TDC on cylinder one and pull the valve cover and front cover off and check the marks... just wondering if there is a trick that's less hassle.
It could also be a failed coolant temp sensor. The car is bone stock but smells rich to me. I'll be testing that also.
Thanks for any tips.