calteg SuperDork
4/30/23 4:49 p.m.

Noticed a decent leak right after my water meter last week. I turned the water off at the street and got a decent sized pipe wrench on there but the connection wasn't budging. The PVC pipe at the top of the "T" was actually starting to bend I was cranking on it so hard.

Any tips for getting this thing apart? Do these have gaskets? Is it better to just replace the entire "T" ?  I only do plumbing stuff once every 4-5 years so I'm rusty


rustyvw GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/30/23 6:22 p.m.

Nothing to add, but I've never seen PVC used in that application.  

11GTCS Dork
4/30/23 7:30 p.m.

It looks like that is a schedule 80 PVC Union tee.  If so, the unions should have o rings to seal against the body of the tee.   A back up wrench on the tee to oppose the twist of trying to undo the union section should work unless someone put PVC cement on the union threads. 

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