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hybridmomentspass HalfDork
2/4/22 10:02 a.m.

Im a high school social studies teacher, my first period is Civics.

My first period is very quiet. They dont really talk at all (some teachers would think that's awesome, but it's good to share opinions on these topics we go through in here. And if the teacher is reviewing and asks questions it's nice to have a reply)

Well, part of the issue with a very quiet class is that it's just me talking and I dont want that. My enthusiasm goes down, we get through things quickly (for reference, have the same course 4th period/end of the day and gets loads of great questions and opinions and we're about 40 minutes or so behind my first...but Im not upset at them at all). None of the kids are 'bad,' no discipline issues, they're just quiet. 

Today I was discussing with a friend/fellow teacher this and saying I was running out of things because of out quiet they were. She asked for ten minutes with them. Ended up taking the whole class (remember - theyre way ahead ha), and MADE them come out of the shell but not with, exactly, school stuff. Silly questions just to break the ice. 

And then she had them write down their stressors on a sheet of paper and ball it up and put it in a bag. Apparently she then had the kids grab a ball from the bag and read it, so everyone's was read/exposed. 

One did have me mentioned "Tired of dealing with Mr..." and while it's not good that a kid thinks that, I was more concerned by some of the things these kids are thinking about. 

Some were super surface level, "I dont like mornings, I dont like school" or something. But some was about their parents and the pressure they feel to make their parents happy/proud. Holy crap. 

One kid was on about the pressures and his negative thoughts of himself. It's heartbreaking. Kids talking about how theyre not good at school (now, everyone but one is passing my class right now, so it's not MY class this time) and they want to drop out because of other kids etc,but knowing theyll have little future without even a high school education. 


Just sad and concerning. I only know who two of the people were - one by their...'unique' handwriting, and the other because they mentioned a sport they play and theyre the only one in that class that plays that. I dont care who wrote what...to a point. I dont care who doesnt want to deal with me, I'll work on things here and there and maybe they'll be ok in the end. But I do wish I could help the folks with such terrible thoughts and stresses. 

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
2/4/22 10:55 a.m.

In reply to hybridmomentspass :

Burn all their social media, and try to convey that when you were a child, you were really concerned about a Soviet ICBM landing in your town, or being shipped off to Vietnam against your will.  Then point out that you made it through that, and there is every chance that they will make it too.  Bring up statistics that show we are safer, and live longer, healthier lives today that humans ever had in the whole history of the world.  You could also go into the part about it being pretty much impossible to starve to death in modern society without doing it on purpose, and they will still be scared to death because thats what kids do.

hybridmomentspass HalfDork
2/4/22 3:17 p.m.

While I have social media (hardly use it at all), and see a lot of great benefits from it like quick communication, it's got a lot of downsides for youth and those with a youthful mentality. 

Heck, GRM board is social media, really. We're connecting over the internet daily from all points of the country (continent?)...but we're also not posting to get likes and approval by others. These kids are fixated on it. 

But, in this case, I dont know if it was that. It might be how much pressure all kids are under and then with standards raising it's harder and harder to get into certain jobs, especially the ones that will take care of your family. 

I dont know man, it just sucked reading about some great kids and what theyre going through

mtn MegaDork
2/24/22 1:31 a.m.

I like feta cheese, but I'm always disappointed in dishes with feta cheese. 

Appleseed MegaDork
2/24/22 9:17 a.m.
hybridmomentspass said:

While I have social media (hardly use it at all), and see a lot of great benefits from it like quick communication, it's got a lot of downsides for youth and those with a youthful mentality. 

Heck, GRM board is social media, really. We're connecting over the internet daily from all points of the country (continent?)...but we're also not posting to get likes and approval by others. These kids are fixated on it. 

But, in this case, I dont know if it was that. It might be how much pressure all kids are under and then with standards raising it's harder and harder to get into certain jobs, especially the ones that will take care of your family. 

I dont know man, it just sucked reading about some great kids and what theyre going through

I was reading about why millennials joke about wanting to die. A response that stood out was "Imagine being invited to a great party .  But when you arrive,  everyone is passed out, all the food and drink has been consumed, then you're handed a mop and told to clean everything up."

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/24/22 7:33 p.m.
mtn said:

I like feta cheese, but I'm always disappointed in dishes with feta cheese. 

I love feta cheese, and could survive indefinitely on Greek salad.

The deli I used to go to got an accidental delivery of feta cheese in olive oil instead of just feta cheese.  I bought it at heavy discount.

After eating the cheese, I used the oil to fry up some eggs.  OMG that was so good... 

Recon1342 Dork
2/25/22 6:52 p.m.

I have an elephant-proof fence in my backyard. I know it's elephant-proof because my backyard contains zero elephants.

mtn MegaDork
2/25/22 7:09 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

Things are going to be interesting for the next 20-30 years as the boomers start (and finish?) dying. I think a larger part of our (millennials) wealth compared to that of any prior generation going back to at least the Lost Generation, will be inherited. I don't know what that means for markets and inflation and the job market, and how that all plays into it, but it is interesting. 

I also think things weren't as great as they seem looking at them in the rear view mirror. Boomers and GenX and the Silent generation have lived through everything we have. They also dealt with the (1st?) Cold War, 1st gulf war, Vietnam... 

The big thing to me is that we're getting hit the hardest out of all of them with wealth inequality and student loan debt. 

11GTCS Dork
3/13/22 8:35 p.m.

Randomly scrolling through the channels this evening and I’m currently watching NHRA drag racing on FS1.  From Gainesville Florida. laugh

Most of the ladies and gentlemen are moving a bit quicker than challenge times but I’m pretty sure they’re spending quite a bit more money to do it. 

Mndsm MegaDork
3/13/22 8:57 p.m.

If I put something in the place it belongs, and I can't find it after, is that really the place it belongs, or is the place I usually put it, and where I find it, the place it belongs. 

Datsun310Guy MegaDork
3/13/22 8:59 p.m.
Woody (Forum Supportum) said:

Jack's new step-mom is super hot.


Appleseed MegaDork
3/17/22 5:23 a.m.

If you say you hate someone, ask yourself where does all that hate come from?

NickD MegaDork
3/17/22 6:12 a.m.

Someday, you will be thought about for the very last time

Recon1342 SuperDork
3/17/22 10:43 p.m.

In reply to NickD :

If my children think of me as a good father, I will have lived a fulfilled life. 

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/17/22 10:48 p.m.

Lancer Evolutions have not suffered from COVID markup.  I am finding Evo Xs in the $17-20k range.

There is probably an uncomfortable message in that.

MyMiatas New Reader
3/17/22 11:29 p.m.
Mndsm said:
Appleseed said:

You leave a dump. If you actually took a dump somewhere,  you'd be labeled a sicko.

I mean, if I'm growing a tail and I run to the bathroom, I'm technically taking it with me and leaving it there, as opposed to just steamin a chud on the carpet. 


Also, I love colorful euphemisms for pooping. 

How about "dropping the kids off in the pool" , "making a donation to the Tidy Bowl Man", " I think I should have named it" and " man I feel ten pounds lighter now"   :0D

eastsideTim PowerDork
3/18/22 7:33 a.m.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:

Lancer Evolutions have not suffered from COVID markup.  I am finding Evo Xs in the $17-20k range.

There is probably an uncomfortable message in that.

The message is "I should look at Evo Xs"

Woody (Forum Supportum)
Woody (Forum Supportum) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/18/22 8:09 a.m.

Anthony Blinken looks like an SNL cast member doing an Anthony Blinken sketch.

Greg Smith (Forum Supporter)
Greg Smith (Forum Supporter) Dork
3/22/22 1:54 a.m.
MyMiatas said:
Mndsm said:
Appleseed said:

You leave a dump. If you actually took a dump somewhere,  you'd be labeled a sicko.

I mean, if I'm growing a tail and I run to the bathroom, I'm technically taking it with me and leaving it there, as opposed to just steamin a chud on the carpet. 


Also, I love colorful euphemisms for pooping. 

How about "dropping the kids off in the pool" , "making a donation to the Tidy Bowl Man", " I think I should have named it" and " man I feel ten pounds lighter now"   :0D

Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl...

Chrissmith New Reader
3/22/22 6:33 a.m.

from the moment you were born, there was a hand pushing you forward. You have no choice!

mtn MegaDork
3/25/22 11:08 a.m.

I work with a woman named Karen. Really about the only person I actually know with that name. She's probably right on the line of GenX and Boomer. 


I don't know her outside of a work environment, though we've had drinks together with our team before, but from what I do know, other than being a white, middle class woman, she does not fit the slang term whatsoever. She is just the nicest person in the world and I'm happy that I work with her.

AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter)
AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
6/23/22 12:35 p.m.

What happened to Random Thoughts? Nobody has had any for quite a while...

Recon1342 SuperDork
6/25/22 3:06 p.m.

In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :

Probably because we're all tired of our random thoughts being hijacked by somebody or other and then used against us in a court of public opinion. 

TJL (Forum Supporter)
TJL (Forum Supporter) Dork
6/25/22 3:37 p.m.

There should be a "candyland" themed cereal. Its just a box of candy. 

Noddaz GRM+ Memberand UberDork
6/25/22 9:55 p.m.

I really need to work on my cars.

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