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stoptheeconobox New Reader
11/9/09 4:54 p.m.

here's the deal. you have to save your best friend from a blood-thirsty gang of zombies. you have two grand to buy and modify a vehicle to fight those zombies. the wilder ideas, the better. but remember: this is all for under 2 grand.

GlennS HalfDork
11/9/09 5:04 p.m.

used police intercepter, cage up the windows.

Question: How easily will a crown vic get high centered on a person? Your gonna need a vehicle that will treat a person like a speed bump.

ckosacranoid HalfDork
11/9/09 7:47 p.m.

4x4 pickup, big cow catcher on the front, pintal mounted maching gun inn the bed....a couple of extra flame trowers also......

splitime Reader
11/9/09 7:50 p.m.

Create the ultimate used Short bus....

Tommy Suddard
Tommy Suddard GRM+ Memberand SonDork
11/9/09 7:59 p.m.

Two of the largest Mule ATV type things you can buy. Light aluminum armor (all you really need), lots of guns. Flamethrower. Small (to navigate corpse strewn streets) and good on gas. Will also go anywhere. Simple, too, for quick repairs.

No, I've never thought about this before...

mtn SuperDork
11/9/09 8:02 p.m.

old Mercedes diesel wagon.

Appleseed Dork
11/9/09 8:02 p.m.

Jeep Cherokee. Carbureted kind. Brush-hog attachment for bumpers. Win.

aussiesmg SuperDork
11/9/09 8:04 p.m.

72 Ranchero, cowcatcher, roll bar, gun mount, chain gun to suit, swivel mounted armored rear seat and barrier, external roll cage along sides and rear, razor wire and blades mounted along hood and front fenders, grenade hatch in spare tire area

me either Tommy

JFX001 Dork
11/9/09 8:08 p.m.

Miata, 2 Glocks, sawed off 12 gauge pump, switch blade, sunblock and a legal pad.

JetMech Reader
11/9/09 8:09 p.m.
Tommy Suddard wrote: Flamethrower.

I'd got that route, too. All you need is a tank, a sprayer, and a pilot light.

I'd roll up in this, and hope the mere sight of it would frighten the zombies into running away in terror.

Salanis SuperDork
11/9/09 8:21 p.m.


Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker Dork
11/9/09 8:24 p.m.

I'd spend the $2000 bribing the operator of one of these:

JetMech Reader
11/9/09 8:30 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: I'd spend the $2000 bribing the operator of one of these:

My first choice for battling zombies would be a ZuluCobra, but I don't think the pilots could be bribed for $2K.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker Dork
11/9/09 8:39 p.m.
JetMech wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: I'd spend the $2000 bribing the operator of one of these:
My first choice for battling zombies would be a ZuluCobra, but I don't think the pilots could be bribed for $2K.

Well, maybe they could be bribed with $1000 after I demo "other" thing I'd buy with the remaining $1000...

NYG95GA SuperDork
11/9/09 8:39 p.m.

Surplus Rat Patrol jeep, with machine gun replaced by Romulan Disrupter (stolen).

btp76 Reader
11/9/09 8:59 p.m.

My first thought for remaining mobile during the coming zombie apocalypse was a Baja Bug. Small, nimble, go anywhere, can be fixed with bailing wire... Problem is it runs on gasoline which they will stop refining and will turn bad in abandoned tanks. They answer is a first generation Cummins powered 4x4 Dodge truck. Simple, go anywhere, can be fixed with bailing wire, and most importantly will run an anything. Fry oil, motor oil, diesel...

Teqnyck New Reader
11/9/09 9:21 p.m.
btp76 wrote: The answer is a first generation Cummins powered 4x4 Dodge truck. Simple, go anywhere, can be fixed with bailing wire, and most importantly will run an anything. Fry oil, motor oil, diesel...

End thread. That's exactly what you would want, something 4wd and can run on any E36 M3 that happens to be flammable.

rmarkc Reader
11/9/09 9:46 p.m.

Early-mid 70s 4wd Blazer or Suburban with big/heavy bumpers.
Preferably an automatic. It would be hard to take head shots while shifting gears.
Replace large rear windows with diamond plate (with gun ports).
Replace other windows with plexi or Lexan and protect with roll fencing.
Flame thrower exhaust.
Cut a hatch in the roof.
Any and all firearms and ammo you can find.

Now for a real challenge, tell me how to make a soft-top Miata into a safe zombie apocalypse vehicle.

maroon92 SuperDork
11/9/09 10:02 p.m.

Has anyone seen zombieland? Steal a car from someone already infected. God bless rednecks!

Teqnyck New Reader
11/9/09 10:07 p.m.
rmarkc wrote: Now for a real challenge, tell me how to make a soft-top Miata into a safe zombie apocalypse vehicle.

Oooh!! Ok, so a front splitter extending out 9 inches and sharpened.

Exo-cage surrounding the outside of the car

Cockpit enclosed with iron-bar windows and chicken wire for a front window

Gun turrets on the front bonnet and on the rear trunk lid

A second gas tank in the trunk, cause you need to balance all this E36 M3 out :D

12" saw blades, cut in half and placed along the sides of the car so you can use the doors as weapons

Ummm... That's all I can think of for now.

I'd say spikes on the front, but I'd be afraid it would catch a zombie on the front and then what do you do.

P71 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/9/09 10:09 p.m.

Jeep Wagoneer. AMC V8's love alcohol so it'll still run on anything. Lots of ground clearance for zombie corpses and Quadratrac for the slippery brain goo. Add in push bumpers, a hatch full of shotguns, and a flamethrower out of the roof and you're good to go!

Trans_Maro HalfDork
11/9/09 10:24 p.m.

My truck:


Drewsifer New Reader
11/9/09 10:30 p.m.

Some type of small truck, preferably a diesel (although those are hard to get in America). Roll out!

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker Dork
11/9/09 10:37 p.m.

All these boring vehicles... these are zombies fer chrissakes. A Jeep? A Blazer? A police interceptor? berkeley off with that E36 M3.

You need a vehicle that rends flesh and sprays blood like a fine red mist that colors the landscape for miles. The Combine was all I could find on google and its juuust OK. I'm picturing a 40' wide gear driven dual stage snowthrower feeding a series of caterpillar v8 powered wood chippers that sprays output into a nitromethane flamethrower exhaust of an engine that does nothing but burn nitromethane. It has treads so they can't bite thru the tires, driven by a locomotive engine making torque numbers approximating infinity. It has KERS so they fry if they touch it. It has a 140000w stereo loaded with the entire Iron Maiden collection and a beer Meister loaded with good IPA. It makes its own Cheetos somehow. It only costs two grand because it was special ordered by a guy who was killed in Vietnam and his widow sold it to a guy I know. It is painted flat black.

RexSeven Dork
11/9/09 10:45 p.m.

Figure out a way to make one of these road-worthy:

What? It's not like the railroad is going to care...

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